Audio vu meter
Audio vu meter

audio vu meter

The accuracy of digital full scale meters is so precise-no one can actually hear a. Many people will tell you that VU meters more accurately show us what people are truly hearing that is, the overall loudness and energy/feel of a signal. Full scale meters, on the other hand, tell us more about exact volume and peak levels in decibels at any given point in a signal. Since VUs show us an average, they also tell us more about the loudness, and perceived loudness, of a signal. There’s an important distinction between VU meters and full scale meters that needs to be understood. VUs don’t show us exactly how loud something is at one particular moment. Now, you could argue that VU meters aren’t as accurate as digital full scale meters, and you wouldn’t be wrong.

audio vu meter

They show us the average of all those quick peaks and dips-an overall picture versus a quick snapshot. VU meters, on the other hand, are not quite as exact.

audio vu meter

Full scale meters are also extremely precise, catching moment-to-moment peaks and drops in volume. We know that 0 dBFS is the limit for digital audio anything above that is considered clipping. Most default DAW meters measure volume in decibels full scale. It’s easiest to describe these classic meters in relation to today’s digital meters inside a DAW. What a VU meter does is track and display the average level of any given signal. VU is an abbreviation of ‘volume unit.’ Bell Telephone invented the technology in 1939 and it hasn’t changed much since.


The default digital meter is what most of us go by these days, but VU meters are still useful! These are the best free VU meter plugins in 2023. You’d see them on consoles and outboard gear for measuring input or output level as well as gain reduction on compressors. You can select the mode by clicking the unit (VU) under the meter.Before people started working in-the-box, VU meters measured the average level of a signal. MvMeter2 measures in Peak, RMS, VU, and EBU. You can also select Mid/Side metering if that is what you need to monitor. There is the option to use 1 or 2 meters which means you can monitor the left and right channels separately or both together on one meter. Once downloaded, just load the meter where you need it and set your target reference level. It is simple to download, simple to install, and simple to use. MvMeter 2 is our favorite of the free meters we found. Thankfully, each of these plugins allows you to set your reference point. You’ll want to match up the 0 mark on the VU meter with your preferred sweet spot level in dBFS. One of the more important features you want to look for in a VU meter is the ability to set your reference level. All 4 of them are compatible with Ableton Live 11 and our Macbook Pro. There are a bunch of free VU meters on the internet, but these are the 4 we like. Now that your meter is bouncing around 0VU you are good to place your next plugin. You should be aiming for 0VU on the meter. With the VU meter setup, use the output level of the plugin before the meter to set the output level. You want to measure the RMS (average) rather than the peaks. Next, set the units of measure to VU-RMS. First, make sure the meter is set to your reference level, we prefer -18dBFS. Some setup needs to be done before using a VU meter. VU meters visually confirm that you are sending an optimal level to the next plugin. Not all plugins have an output level meter.


Looking for more Gain Staging plugins? Check out our recommendations for free Gain Staging Plugins.

audio vu meter

This is part of a process called Gain Staging, which is the practice of maintaining a good signal-to-noise ratio and headroom levels. Using -18dBFS as our reference for 0VU on the VU meter means we are sending an optimal signal level to our plugins. This reference level of -18dBFS can be changed on most VU meters to your preferred level. That 0VU level in the analog world is almost equal to -18dBFS in the digital world. So, why do you need a VU meter when working in your DAW? Setting your levels with a VU meter hovering around 0VU generally allows for a good signal-to-noise ratio with plenty of headroom. A VU meter is usually used in analog hardware as a means of setting the levels of an audio signal between processing hardware.

Audio vu meter